American Reform Responsa

3. Less than a Minyan of Ten at Services

(Vol. XLVI, 1936, p. 127)QUESTION: A member of my congregation has suggested that we conduct services on Friday night, even if attendance–counting men and women–is less than the customary Minyan of ten. Is it permissible to conduct a regular service in a Temple with fewer than ten persons–men and women–present?ANSWER: Whereas the general rule is to require a Minyan, there was the practice in Palestine in olden times to be satisfied with six or seven people (see Mas. Sof., 10.8). While every attempt should be made to have a full Minyan, the importance of regular services in the Temple is such as to conduct them even when there are fewer than ten people present in accordance with the above-mentioned old Palestinian custom.Jacob Mann and Committee

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