CARR 245-246


Contemporary American Reform Responsa

163. Gentile Chairman of Confirmation


QUESTION: The parents of each year’s Confirmation Class and of

Bar/Bat Mitzvah groups form a club which sponsors special activities for these

young people; it also provides some educational programs for the parents. This year a mother

who is not Jewish has been selected as chairman of the Confirmation Club. This was done

inadvertently as the woman in question has identified herself closely with the Jewish community

and has been very active in communal work and the Jewish Federation. She attends synagogue

services regularly. Although the rabbi knew that she was not Jewish, members of the group were

unaware of that fact. How should we deal with this situation? (D. L., Los Angeles,

CA)ANSWER: This Committee has decided on a number of other occasions that it

is inappropriate for a non-Jew to serve in leadership positions within a congregation (see

“Congregational Membership for A Non-Jewish Partner”). There is, of course, nothing which

would prohibit such individuals from being active in the congregation and the Jewish community.

In fact, we should encourage such activities even if full conversion to Judaism is not possible.

Such efforts will eventually bring these fine individuals closer to Judaism and may lead to

eventual conversion. In the case of this individual, it would be appropriate to suggest

that this might be a good time to accept Judaism formally. Her activities have taken place

entirely within the orbit of Judaism; her youngest child is now to be confirmed. Her own

commitment and her efforts through the years would more than suffice to qualify her for

conversion without any further instruction. It has been my experience that individuals in this

position are very open to such a suggestion and will often formally join the community. That

would, of course, remove the problem.April 1983

If needed, please consult Abbreviations used in CCAR Responsa.