RRR 148-149


Does a man die on the same date and time as that on which he was born? (One of the questions asked by the Jews of India through Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, New York City)

In commenting on the verse in Ecclesiastes 3 : 2, “A time to be born and a time to die,” the Yalkut Shimoni (I : 938) says: “Happy is the man whose hour of death is as the hour of birth.” This seems to be the source of the idea that a man dies at the same hour that he was born. However, the Yalkut Shimoni quotes this from “D’vorim Rabba” VIII: 5, which explains its true meaning. It means: Happy is the man who at the time of his death is as pure as at the time of his birth. But the notion is evidently based upon the first statement in the Midrash.

However, in this question and in the following one (about the exact hour of death and marriages) we recognize the influence of the Orient, especially of China, where the astrologers pick the auspicious moment for every important occasion. This is absolutely contrary to Judaism, for the Talmud says there are no horoscopes for Jews (b. Shabbas 146c): “Eyn Mazel I’Isroel. ”