Terms and Conditions

Ravblog Policies and Guidelines


Ravblog is operated for the CCAR under policy guidelines described herein. The CCAR is not responsible for the accuracy of the content of anything posted here, other than posts signed in their official capacities by members of the CCAR staff.


Writing Guidelines



  • Posts are a minimum of 300 words, a maximum of 900 words.
  • All blog content must be original with the author. Any material that comes from another author, website, or other source must be acknowledged as such.
  • We encourage contributors to also be readers of the blog, in order to stay up to date with popular topics, and overall mood and trends of current postings.
  • “Less is more” is a good rule to follow for creating any content for the web. Telling a story in fewer words that pack a compelling and powerful punch is always more successful in the online space than lengthy, wordy efforts.
  • All submissions should include a suggested title, subject to modification by CCAR staff. The title should be no longer than 70 characters.
  • Photos and videos always add interest to any blog post. We encourage at least one visual element per post, however, keep in mind the following:
    • Reproducing copyrighted material is not permitted. Photos may only be used if you have rights to use them or have received written permission from the copyright owner.
    • Note that the CCAR staff may add appropriate photos or other graphics at their discretion.
    • Videos that have been posted on YouTube may be embedded in a blog post without permission. Likewise, photos on Flickr that use the Creative Commons licensing agreement may be used with a credit, as per the Creative Commons rules. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
  • Posts must comply with the CCAR’s Terms and Conditions (http://ccarnet.org/terms-and-conditions/) which generally state that any material that is defamatory or violates the rights or privacy of others in any way is not permitted, and that the CCAR staff have the right to remove material that is deemed as such.
  • Posts should not read as advertisements, “brochures” or marketing pieces for any event, program or offering.
  • A one-line bio should be supplied with the author’s title or position if pertinent.



  • Wherever possible, link to cited sources and any material that is referred to.
  • Avoid use of the words “click here” or “here” when linking to a referenced item. Instead, link to a relevant part of the sentence.
  • Italicize transliterated Hebrew or other languages and publication titles. See the CCAR-URJ master style sheet and guidelines.


How do I submit a blog?

If you are interested in submitting a blog that would be of interest to RavBlog readers, please submit blogs to CCAR’s Director of Strategic Communications, Tamar Anitai at tanitai@ccarnet.org.



Comments that do not comply with the CCAR’s Terms and Conditions policy will not be approved by CCAR staff. Comments will not be approved during Shabbat or chagim. Comments may be submitted anonymously or using a pseudonym, but must be submitted with a valid email address.




RavBlog posts will be displayed on the RavBlog and CCARnet.org home pages.

Additionally, the CCAR will promote selected posts via CCAR social media channels.

We ask guest bloggers to encourage their networks to read, comment and share. Guest bloggers should consider reaching out to their congregations to post the URL in their bulletins, Facebook and Twitter pages.



Please note that Ravblog is a moderated blog. That means that all posts and comments are subject to editorial review for suitability and civility. We welcome dissension and disagreement – but please be respectful and civil.  Keep in mind that all posts reflect on the CCAR specifically, and on Reform rabbis generally. Posts or comments will be subject to removal from Ravblog if they are construed as:

  • Irrelevant, illiterate, or defamatory
  • Commercial in nature
  • Expressing viewpoints that are antithetical to the official positions of the CCAR. (Please recognize the difference between antithetical and critical.)
  • Are not written with a sense of derech eretz(basic ethical behavior)
  • Off-topic


RavBlog Management

The CCAR staff member directly supervising the blog is Rabbi Hara Person, hperson@ccarnet.org.  Posting is managed by Tamar Anitai, tanitai@ccarnet.org.