
Resolution Adopted by the CCAR


Digests of resolutions adopted by the

Central Conference of American Rabbis

between 1889 and 1974

1. To advance the cause of Disarmament, we urge our representatives to strive


a real reduction in military forces, equipment and expenditures on land, in

the air

and on the seas. (1931, p. 69)

2. We are opposed to private manufacture of munitions of war and armaments and


the approval of legislation to abolish such manufacture. (1933, p. 56,


3. We denounce the vast armaments appropriations of our government and other


as unnecessary and evil. We demand that our national defense policy be based

on defense

of our soil, not of our interests. We advocate the extension of the "good

neighbor" policy to Japan through mutual reductions in armaments and the

revision of the

"Open Door" policy in the Far East. Let us assume the leadership in

summoning a conference

for world disarmament. (1936, p. 66)

[Item 4 not available]

5. We reaffirm the prophetic position of the Synagogue consistently held


the centuries that armed strife is not an essential instrument of national


and that war should be outlawed. (1939, p. 143)

6. Most fundamental among the prerogatives to be delegated to the UN is the


to control the production and use of armaments. Recent unsuccessful efforts in


direction demonstrate the futility of (1) seeking to accomplish this within a


group of nations or (2) attempting to control only certain types of armed

force. We therefore

call upon our government to outline a specific, comprehensive basis for the


and reduction of all armaments through the United Nations. We see no

inconsistency between our current policy of continuing to mobilize our

military strength in order

to meet the present danger and at the same time outlining the basis on which

we would

be willing, in concert with all other nations, to work toward the effective

reduction of armaments. The necessary expedient of the moment must not be

confused with a long-range

policy of peace; nor must the emergency of the moment be permitted to postpone


immediate effort to plan for a reduction in armament throughout the world.


p. 101)