Resolution Adopted by the CCAR
On Economic Justice for Women
Adopted by the CCAR at the 95th Annual Convention of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis
Grossingers, New York, June 18-21, 1984
built-in inequities in the present economic system discriminate against women and
their dependents at every level of income; and
poverty in North America falls disproportionately upon women, who comprise 43% of
the labor force, yet are the sole supporters of more than nine million families,
and that they have suffered discrimination and economic disadvantage; and
present proposed legislation addresses such areas as insurance, pension reform, social
security (including earning sharing), tax issues, lifeline service, child care, day
care, and family assistance, regulatory reform, and enforcement of child support
requirements; and
, further, specific reforms will be proposed to redress existing inequities; and
in considering the endorsement of such legislation, the principle of supporting anti-discrimination
legislation for economic equity for women should be maintained,
Therefore be it resolved that the Central Conference of American Rabbis:
equity for women;
government, both in its regulations and as an employer;
to eliminate any sex discrimination while applying the principle of economic equity
for all;
to eliminate any such discriminatory practices.